Unlock 4 : Jagan Govt Allows Schools, Colleges To Reopen
- September 14, 2020
- By Admin
- in Andhra Pradesh, Health, India
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In tune with the Centre’s directions, AP state government has announced its guidelines of Unlock 4.0. As part of the fresh guidelines, the schools and colleges are permitted to reopen with a limited number of students. CM Jagan announced that the students of class 9, class 10 and intermediate are allowed to attend classes. However, he made it clear that a written declaration of parents is must to allow students into classes. The schools, colleges are allowed to reopen from Sep 21st.
Meanwhile, AP state government has also allowed PG classes for post-graduate students. Also, PHD students have been permitted to attend their research work from Sep 21st onwards. As per the norms, the strength of a class shouldn’t exceed 100. Even the state government has permitted schools, colleges to conduct sports and games with a limited number.
Meanwhile, Jagan’s administration has allowed small-scale meetings, family gatherings, birthday celebrations, marriages. From Sep 20, marriages are allowed with 50 attendance and funerals with 20 attendance in the state. While the government has permitted open-air theatres and auditoriums from Sep 21st, however, cinema theatres, swimming pools, entertainment parks remain shut till new guidelines from the Centre.