Reports: India’s Population Overtaken China’s
- March 01, 2023
- By Admin
- in India, World
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World Population Review, an independent organization focused on census and demographics has estimated that India’s population stood at 1.417 billion at the end of 2022. That’s over 5 million(50 lakhs) more than Chinna’s population of 1.412 billion people. On Tuesday, Chinese authorities
Tuesday when announced that there was decline in population growth for the first time since the 1960s. This puts India and it’s Government on massive pressure to control the growing population. It’s interesting to note that India is the leading nation in the world in terms of demographic dividend with more than 50% of its population aged less than 30years. These figures will get an official number once India conducts its census which was supposed to happen in 2020-2021 but has been delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The United Nations had expected the milestone to be reached later this year. As of Jan. 18, India’s population had already climbed to 1.423 billion, according to WPR. Although this event puts India in a better position as India is touted to become the next China, it is essential to control explosive population growth owing to a lack of resources and rapid climate change.