Mega Family’s New Year Adventure In Jungle!
The Mega family, known for their grand celebrations and strong bond, marked the New Year in a special way this time. Lavanya Tripathi, the newest member of the Mega clan, shared stunning glimpses of their New Year getaway at the Tipeshwar Wildlife Sanctuary.
Lavanya was joined by her husband, Varun Tej, and her sisters-in-law—Niharika Konidela, Sushmita Konidela, and Srija Konidela. The group radiated happiness in the candid pictures as they soaked in the beauty of the jungle. Sharing her experience, Lavanya captioned her post:
“New Year in the heart of Tipeshwar’s jungle taught me the true essence of survival… quiet strength, fierce focus, and the beauty of living with purpose. Watching the tiger move through the wild, I learned to embrace the power of doing things my way, protecting what matters most. This year, I step into the world like a tigress—fearless, unapologetic! 🐯 Love and positivity ❤️.”