LPG Cooking Gas Cylinders Cheaper By Rs. 100.50 From Today
- October 20, 2019
- By Admin
- in India, Technology
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NEW DELHI: State-run fuel retailers have decreased the price of LPG cylinders by over ₹100 per cylinder for this month. Indian Oil announced that the non-subsidised price of Indane in metros will be ₹637 per 14.2 kg LPG cylinder. Last month, the price was ₹737.50 per cylinder.
In Mumbai, non-subsidised LPG cylinders are priced at ₹608.50, Chennai ₹652.50 and Kolkata ₹662.50.
In the subsidised category, LPG cylinders now cost ₹494.35, down by ₹3, in New Delhi. In Mumbai, a subsidised LPG cylinder costs ₹497.37, Chennai ₹482.23 and Kolkata ₹497.47.
All LPG consumers have to buy the fuel at market price. The government, however, subsidizes 12 cylinders of 14.2kg each per households in a year by providing the subsidy amount directly in bank accounts of users.