Jason Momoa Says He Can’t Shoot ‘Aquaman 2’

Jason Momoa says he can’t start shooting “Aquaman 2”… because he “got run over by a bulldozer” while protesting construction of a giant telescope on land considered sacred to native Hawaiians.
“Sorry Warner Bros we can’t shoot ‘Aquaman 2,’” he wrote in an Instagram post. “Because Jason got run over by a bulldozer trying to stop the desecration of his native land THIS iS NOT HAPPENING. WE ARE NOT LETTING YOU DO THIS ANYMORE. Enough is enough. Go somewhere else.”
In a followup post, Momoa asked fans to upport kīa’i for the @protectmaunakea movement, writing, “During this time, we are trying to unite both kānaka and Hawai’i born peoples alike to protect not only the mauna, but also our way of life and greatest natural resources in Hawaii as a whole.”